National Priorities Project

Annual Report 2011

Vision of an
Engaged Democracy

A People’s Guide to the Federal Budget

Our Mission

National Priorities Project makes our complex federal budget transparent and accessible so people can exercise their right and responsibility to oversee and influence how their tax dollars are spent.

Building capacity


Rigorous data analysis combined with dogged communication isn't enough. NPP's team continues to roll up our sleeves and build the capacity of our constituents to integrate NPP's information into their education and advocacy efforts.

  • Views of our online educational resources grew 562% in 2011
  • Our “Take Action” resource page was accessed 671% more in 2011 than in 2010

If i had a
trillion dollars


U.s. student


story of broke


Tools and Resources

  • The People’s Guide to the Federal Budget
    The federal government stopped issuing a citizen's guide to the budget in 2002. In 2011, NPP took up the challenge of producing a budget guide for the people.
  • Data for Democracy Webinars
    NPP issued three webinars and collaborated with our partners on additional offerings reaching hundreds of individuals from 35 states.
  • Data Stories
    NPP helped our constituents find the stories living behind our numbers.
  • Data Wednesdays
    Constituents went to "data school" with NPP staff every Wednesday, learning about everything from representing spending figures per capita to adjusting for inflation.
  • Educational Resources
    A Columbia Teacher's College study found that educators find the federal budget challenging to teach. In 2011, we began showing up for educators – the folks who show up for our kids.
  • Take Action
    Information can help propel you into action and bolster your strategies. NPP's Take Action section gives people smart and easy places to begin.