Federal Budget Analysis

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Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go? Tax Day 2009

April 7, 2009

With this publication, taxpayers can take stock of how the federal government spent each 2008 income tax dollar.  Income tax dollar spending is available for all states as well as over 200 cities and towns.

Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go? Tax Day 2008

April 7, 2008

Taxpayers can take stock of how the federal government spent their 2007 income tax dollars. This publication shows how the median income family's 2007 income tax dollars were spent for every state and 200 cities, towns and counties.

The President's Budget: Fiscal Year 2009

Feb. 6, 2008

The administration released its fiscal year 2009 $3 trillion budget request on Monday, February 5. An overview of the budget proposal along with state-level breakdowns on selected programs are available.

Half of Low-Income People Not Receiving Food Stamp Benefits

Aug. 13, 2007

NPP's new analysis of 2004 county-level data and statistics focuses on the distribution of Food Stamp Program benefits. The study found that half of all low-income people did not receive benefits.

Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go? Tax Day 2007

April 6, 2007

This publication shows how the median income family's 2006 income tax dollars were spent for every state and 200 cities, towns and counties.

The President's Budget Fiscal Year 2008: Impact on the States

Feb. 5, 2007

The budget request released by the administration proposes cuts in non-security related discretionary spending. Compared to fiscal year 2006, $13 billion would be cut from these programs, while another $100 billion would be added for more war spending. State-level tables and other information are now available. State-level factsheets are also available.

Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go? Tax Day 2006

April 6, 2006

This publication shows how the median income family's 2005 income tax dollars were spent for every state and 200 cities, towns and counties.

The President's Budget Fiscal Year 2007: Impact on the States

Feb. 8, 2006

The administration released its budget request for fiscal year 2007 proposing deep cuts to domestic spending. NPP offers an analysis with state-level breakdowns on the impact of this budget proposal.

Congress Cuts Clean Water

Sept. 22, 2005

Congress cut the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for next year. State cuts are provided in this table.

Federal Cuts to Community and Economic Development Funding: Impact on Infrastructure

Sept. 2, 2005

This page indicates the potential impact of cuts in community and economic development funding to selected cities.