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April 11, 2005
The President's Budget: Impact on the States provides a state-by-state breakdown showing what each state would lose in federal funding.
April 5, 2005
With this publication, taxpayers can take stock of how the federal government spent each 2004 income tax dollar.
Feb. 8, 2005
On Monday, February 7, 2005, the Bush Administration sent to Congress its budget request for fiscal year 2006. Under the proposed budget, discretionary spending would increase overall
Aug. 21, 2004
This publication summarizes the provisions in the new Medicare bill that will limit seniors' savings and offers state-by-state numbers on the dollars spent annually on prescription drugs and their rising cost.
June 23, 2004
Federal Education Funding Falls Short assesses federal education spending under the Bush Administration and its impact on each state.
May 26, 2004
This release shows the funding gap nationally and by state in the amount needed to adequately fund discretionary veterans benefits and health care needs.
Feb. 11, 2004
The President's Budget: Impact on the States provides a state-by-state breakdown showing what each state woul