War costs nears trillion dollar mark

NPP Pressroom

22 News
Jackie Bruno

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) - According to the National Priorities Project, we'll reach the trillion dollar mark for money spent on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan on May 30th of this year. The National Priorities Project has been charting the cost of the wars since both started. They said this war effort consumes more money from the federal government than any other mission. We asked Chris Hellman, of the NPP, to give us an example of how far a trillion dollars can really go. "If you were to take a trillion dollars and put it into the Pell Grant Program to provide scholarship money for college students. We could provide Pell Grants for the 19 million college students in this country for the next 30 years," said Hellman. And Congress is projected to approve another $37 billion dollars for the wars before they take their Memorial Day recess.