Total spent on Wars reaches $1 trillion

NPP Pressroom

News 22
Jackie Bruno

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) - The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost taxpayers a lot of money, the total spent on these wars just reached one trillion dollars. That's according to the National Priorities Project in Northampton. They monitor how our tax dollars are spent. They say that Northampton residents alone have handed over $112 million dollars to fund these wars. We asked them to explain how far one trillion dollars could go in other sectors. "For a trillion dollars, we could provide, healthcare for over 250 million people in this country for a year. We could build 8 million affordable housing units. We could provide tuition assistance to every single college students in this country for the next decade," said Chris Hellman. And he said that it's unlikely that America will cut back on their war spending any time soon.