NPP Launches New Webinar: Jobs, Deficits, & Taxes

NPP Pressroom

Common Dreams
National Priorities Project

NORTH HAMPTON, MA - November 9 - On election night, Democrats and Republicans agreed - it's all about jobs, deficits and taxes.While they agree on the problem, they absolutely disagree on the solutions. And the big question is, what's going to happen in Congress? National Priorities Project's latest webinar Jobs, Deficits & Taxes is a 30-minute presentation (with Q&A) that contextualizes the ongoing public discussions about these critical and timely budget issues."Jobs, Deficits & Taxes demystifies three of the most pressing issues of our time," said Christopher Hellman, NPP's Communications Liaison. "We help people answer the questions, 'what's this all about and why is it important to me?'" Information in Jobs, Deficits & Taxes includes: Unemployment in America and the long road to recovery The impact of federal investment on job preservation and creation The differences between Deficits and Debts, and whether they're good or bad The role of taxation in generating federal revenue Policy options related to the expiring "Bush Tax Cuts" Currently NPP has four webinars scheduled on the following dates: November 10th, 11am; November 22nd, 2pm; December 8th, 11am, and December 16th, 2pm [All times are Eastern]. Registrants will also be able to participate in NPP's webinar Federal Budget 101 on November 22nd and December 8th dates. People interested in registering can do so through NPP's website at Registration is FREE, but participation is limited and on a first come basis. NPP is also willing to schedule special webinars for selected audiences from organizations, schools and public officials. Jobs, Deficits & Taxes is the third in NPP's "Data for Democracy" series. NPP's first two webinars - Out of Balance and Federal Budget 101 - have been huge successes. FB101 is an introduction to federal budget basics. NPP offers it for the majority of people in this country who do not understand the federal budget process or know how the federal government spends their tax dollars. Out of Balance provides a critical look at the link between federal funds and state and local budgets, as well as offering a solid and accessible critique of national spending priorities, with a focus on military spending.