Money Charlotte needs is tied up feeding U.S. 'war machine'

NPP Pressroom

Charlotte Observer
Mimi Davis

I'm shocked to learn that according to Defense Department figures, the National Priorities Project has calculated that for 2011 alone Charlotteans will owe $1.6 billion to support the continuing wars in the Middle East. To supply the war machine with this staggering amount, Charlotte will sacrifice its public schools, early childhood programs, libraries, aid to the needy and possibly the lives of our young soldiers. If, on the other hand, even 10 percent of these dollars were returned to the community, we could hire more than 3,000 teachers. Another 10 percent would go a long way toward supporting homeless programs, saving our library system or allowing upgrades in police, fire or health services. Think what 50 percent would do. This won't happen unless we become more active in demanding that Pentagon budgets be cut. Our government hopes we remain passive. We can't afford to do so.