Trump Hates the Poor

NPP Pressroom

US News and World Report
Lindsay Koshgarian

On Monday, President Trump released his vision for America's budget.

The president's budget is supposed to be a visionary statement of the president's priorities, unencumbered by the messy realities of negotiating with Congress. It has no binding legal power, but it sets the stage for debate in Congress.

So what's Trump's vision for the country?

Apparently, Trump's America is a place where the poor – even children – can go hungry and homeless while the rich get richer, and billions of tax dollars freely flow to Pentagon contractors.

Trump's plans for ending or cutting government programs have something to hurt almost everyone – from cuts to rural business services, to federal student aid, the Global Climate Change initiative that seeks to help countries both adapt to and prevent climate change, and workplace health and safety.

But not everyone is harmed equally by this budget. The president's budget disproportionately targets the poor.

Read more.