Comparing Competing Visions on the Federal Budget

Rep. Paul Ryan released his budget proposal on April 1. / Photo courtesy of David Valdez USA

Yesterday we released our fourth annual, one-of-a-kind Competing Visions analysis, which compares the president’s budget proposal to two significantly different alternatives – the House Republican budget resolution, introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan, and an alternative introduced by the House Congressional Progressive Caucus. The analysis highlights issues that matter most to Americans and, using opinion polls, shows how each proposal stacks up against what Americans want.

The three proposed budgets offer very different visions for the nation in fiscal year 2015 and in the years ahead:

  • The president’s budget proposed some new spending initiatives, such as new funding for job creation and infrastructure investments, while also increasing revenues by eliminating some tax loopholes for wealthy individuals and corporations. It also increased spending for the military.
  • Rep. Ryan’s budget proposes to reduce tax rates for corporations and individuals as well as substantial cuts to spending. He finds savings through deep cuts to domestic programs that serve low-income people, including Medicaid and the food stamp program. He would cut domestic discretionary program substantially below sequestration levels, while protecting military spending from any sequestration cuts.
  • The Congressional Progressive Caucus increases revenues with higher tax rates on wealthy individuals and corporations, while adding substantial new spending for things like job creation and the restoration of SNAP benefits.

For a complete analysis of these proposals, check out Competing Visions.

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