2013 Blog Archives

Poll: Americans Want Wealthiest to Pay More in Taxes

A new poll just released by Americans for Tax Fairness found that 65 percent of voters across the country want the top 2 percent to pay more in taxes

The Budget Committee Is Stuck. Give Them A Push.

News reports this morning indicate that the congressional budget conference committee is making little progress in negotiations toward a compromise spending plan for 2014. Let's give them a nudge in the direction of the people's priorities: Sign our petition to the budget committee and ask legislators to listen to the ...

FAQ: Corporate Tax Breaks and Tax Reform

Imagine that tax day rolls around and – instead of paying any taxes at all – Uncle Sam sends you a check for millions or even billions of dollars.

Three Outrageous Numbers on Corporate Taxes

Perhaps these three outrageous numbers on corporate tax reform explain why 80 percent of Americans want tax breaks for big corporations closed.

A Big Day for the DATA Act

We don't have a complete picture of where our tax dollars are going or who gets them. The DATA Act is part of the fix to this problem.

The Tax Break for Hedge Fund Managers

The "carried interest rule" allows certain people, such as hedge fund managers, who earn money by investing other people’s money to pay a lower tax rate than many people who earn a living from wages.

Budget Conference Committee Faces Wide Gap in Priorities Before Dec 13 Deadline

With a task of paramount importance ahead of them, the Budget Conference Committee has limited time to reach agreement on a budget and avoid another shutdown.

What the Heck is Happening in Washington, DC?

Nerd Nite, what the heck is going on in Washington, DC (hint: we're on step two of a five-step budget process), and why we should all be paying attention.

New Localized Federal Spending Data Now Available

Over the past few weeks, the Federal Priorities Database has been updated with information on poverty, SNAP, WIC, Head Start, and more.

NPP Announces Democracy Champion Awards

In honor of NPP's 30th anniversary, we are proud to announce our Democracy Champion Awards, recognizing national leaders in the movement for a stronger and more equitable democracy.