2013 Blog Archives

7 Reasons to Sign Our Petition Right Now

There's just four days left before Congress sails past their self-imposed budget deadline -- again. Here are our top seven reasons why you should take 5 minutes right now to stop them.

New Release: the National Action Plan and Spending Transparency Gaps

The Open Government National Action Plan 2.0 is a good starting point for addressing the gaps in federal spending transparency, but much work remains.

Budget Deadline Nears – How Will Lawmakers Tackle Sequestration and the 2014 Budget?

Remember the outrageous 16-day government shutdown? Congress ended it by establishing deadlines for passing a budget, and the first of those deadlines is fast approaching. 

This #GivingTuesday, give the gift of change

Health care. Jobs. Social Security. Taxes. War. If you're like the majority of Americans, these things matter to you. Congress has only 10 days left to deliver a budget proposal that will decide the future of Medicaid, Food Stamps, Head Start, Social Security, corporate tax breaks, and much more.

Spend More on Education to Save on Health Care: Millennial Perspective

When discussions around federal spending turn to trade-offs and long-term projections, the stakes are highest for the Millennial generation and those who are still in the K-12 education system.

Food Stamp Cuts in the Time of Thanksgiving

The food stamps program (SNAP) continues to grow, even as the employment picture improves. Time for more SNAP cuts?

Thanksgiving Stories: Cutting Food Stamps

At the beginning of November, more than 47 million low-income Americans saw their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits reduced.

Is a Budget Committee Deal on the Horizon?

As the Dec. 13 deadline for a budget deal approaches, some sources are saying prospects for a deal may be growing. Demand Congress do its job to avoid yet another government shutdown.

Should We Reform the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction? Three Different Views from Our Readers

After we published a blog piece on the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction (HMID) this summer, several people wrote in to tell us how this tax break affected their lives.

FAQ: Why Should I Care About Tax Reform

If you've read our FAQ, you know what tax reform is. But why should you care?