Budget Matters Blog

Category: Budget Process

The Moment of Truth

Earlier today, the 18 members of the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform voted to approve the final version of the proposal issued by the Commission's Co-Chairs, Sen. Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles. The vote was 11-7, short of the 14 votes which, according to the panel's rules, ...

New NPP Series: “On The Block”

By Samantha DanaLast week Congress returned to Washington, D.C. for it's “lame duck” session and began their final weeks of law making before the holiday season and the new Congress is inaugurated. With none of the twelve annual appropriations for Fiscal Year 2011 (which began on October 1). that fund ...

All Hands on Debt: Entering the Critical Debate Over Federal Deficit Reduction

Last week the Co-Chairmen of the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform -- former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson and former White House Chief-of-Staff Erskine Bowles -- released their draft deficit reduction proposal. The Simpson-Bowles plan seeks to reduce the deficit by $372 billion in Fiscal Year 2015, more ...

Unraveling “DC Speak:” The “ABC’s” of Terminology in the High Stakes World of Federal Budgeting

This week members of Congress return to Capitol Hill for their “lame duck” session. If you’re wondering about the phrase, “lame ducks” are those members who either lost their election (or did not seek another term), but are still in office because their term has not yet officially ended. So ...

The work of the lame duck

Congress is scheduled to return on November 15 for what is known as a lame duck session – a post-election period when members who have been voted out of office return to Washington to continue work prior to January when the new Congress will be sworn in. Members will work ...

Jobs, Deficits & Taxes

On election night, Democrats and Republicans agreed - it's all about jobs, deficits and taxes.While they agree on the problem, they absolutely disagree on the solutions.And the big question is, what's going to happen in Congress?Join us as NPP demystifies three of the most pressing issues of our time from ...

Remembering Recovery on November 3, 2010

NPP very recently updated all its Federal Priorities Database expenditures and indicators to the state level with the latest data available. We invite you to use the database – especially if you want a post-election memory of the impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). See what funding ...

Framingham, MA Schools & Parents Struggle with Tough Budget Choices

I recently participated in a panel discussion sponsored by members of the “Save Our Schools” campaign in Framingham, MA, as an expert on the federal budget process and the impact of the recession on communities. Like most cities and towns in Massachusetts and across the country, Framingham has been experiencing ...

After the Mid-Terms, A Budget?

With Election Day just around the corner, the question on the minds of many people is “what’s going to happen in Washington?” Regardless of the outcome of Tuesday’s elections, members of Congress will return to Capitol Hill for their “lame duck” session with one huge piece of unfinished business – ...

Worried About The Deficit? Why Not Choose Sustainable Defense?

That’s the message Congressmen Barney Frank (D-MA) and Ron Paul (R-TX), along with 55 of their Capitol Hill colleagues are pushing.On October 13, 2010 they sent a letter to the President’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform advocating defense cuts. The letter contains a broad range of options for ...