Budget Matters Blog

Category: Health Care

War on Poverty: 50 Years Later

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty, which renewed a commitment to federal funding for programs to help struggling Americans. Here's a list of resources that illustrate how these federal programs are faring 50 years later.

Food Stamps Were Her Lifeline

In 2011, Emily was 20 years old and living in a homeless shelter.

Spend More on Education to Save on Health Care: Millennial Perspective

When discussions around federal spending turn to trade-offs and long-term projections, the stakes are highest for the Millennial generation and those who are still in the K-12 education system.

Lawmakers Called Cancer Treatment for Children "Nonessential"

The government shutdown allowed us to glimpse our lawmakers' values, and what we saw was ugly.

Recess is Over. Now, About That Budget and Debt Ceiling...

Congress returns to Washington next week, and they have a lot of work to get done. Use our fact sheets to brush up on the issues.

How Healthy Is Arizona?

This summer has been full of surprises.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare: What's Happening?

Everyone has a story about health care in the U.S. Make sure your health care priorities are voiced in upcoming debates about Obamacare, Medicaid, Medicare, and other federal health programs.

August Recess: Time for Home District Meetings with Congress

What's happening in Congress right now could alter this nation for years to come. NPP's new, easy-to-use fact sheets will help you understand contentious issues like taxes and Obamacare so you can decide for yourself and make your voice heard while lawmakers are close do home during the August recess.

Medicaid is Crucial to the Father of Two Disabled Daughters

Clay is a self-declared “evangelical Texan.”

Hot Summer Budget Battle #4: Social Security and Medicare

There aren’t many things that 90 percent of Americans agree on, but there are at least two.