Budget Matters Blog

Category: Military & Security

What does national security mean without climate security?

This country’s spending on the Pentagon and nuclear weapons is done in the name of “national security.” Not to mention the billions more for “homeland security,” largely in the form of immigration enforcement, deportations, and border militarization.

Meanwhile, thousands of people in Florida and Puerto Rico are without basic security after Hurricane Ian, having lost power, homes and loved ones to the latest in the string of extreme weather events that have grown more frequent and more devastating due to climate change.

Relieving All Student Debt Would Cost as Much as the F35 Jet Fighter

Total student loan debt in the United States amounts to $1.7 trillion — that's already how much the Pentagon is set to spend on its most expensive weapon system, the F-35 jet fighter.

Police Violence is Gun Violence Too

If we really want to curb gun violence in this country, our nation’s police budgets are a good place to start.

The Pentagon doesn't need more money. These things do.

Even $100 billion is actually a modest cut when it comes to the Pentagon. We could cut much more and end up even safer. But when that $37 billion or $100 billion can do so much good elsewhere, it's unacceptable to put it in the Pentagon.

While Nation Reels, Pentagon Budget Keeps Ramping Up Nuclear Weapons

In the colossal military spending budget set to pass as part of the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act, the amount spent on nuclear weapons alone over the next decade is much more than the deficit increase of the failed Build Back Better infrastructure bill.

Pentagon increases in 2022 could almost fund Build Back Better

Remember Build Back Better? Way back in December, President Biden and advocates across a wide spectrum of issues fought to fund the president's signature plan, which included major new invvestments in clean energy, child care and preschool, health care, and financial help for struggling families. It ultimately failed due to one Senator's claimed...

U.S. Still Spends More on Military Than Next Nine Countries Combined

The United States still makes up the lion’s share of world military spending, with its $801 billion in 2021 representing 39% of the world’s military budget.

It's Almost As If Military Spending Isn't the Key to Peace

U.S. and NATO miltiary spending totaling nearly $1.2 trillion - more than 17 times as much as Russia spent - failed to dissuade Putin's aggression toward Ukraine. The U.S. alone spent 12 times as much as Russia. 

It’s Time to Divest from Systems of Harm and Build an Infrastructure of Care

With the passage of the latest budget package Congress crudely showed us their firm and long standing commitment to inequality, corporate greed, and military spending. We won’t stand for it.

Military Aid to Ukraine Balloons — But We Need Diplomacy and Funding for Human Needs

Pentagon budget boosters are using the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an excuse for higher military spending, on top of an already record high military budget.