Budget Matters Blog

Washington to Spend Trillions in 2014 (With No Debate or Transparency)

Congress failed to make funding decisions for fiscal 2014 on its regular time-frame, and now the debate on Syria has jumped to the front of the line. That means Congress is going to make some very last-minute decisions about spending in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1. Even more last-minute than they had already planned.

Congress Returns to Syria, Potential Shutdowns, and Dysfunction

Congress returns from August recess this week, and they face a busy fall. In addition to a vote on Syria, there are two looming issues that could result in a government shutdown if they’re not resolved in the next few weeks. No Federal Budget U.S. fiscal year 2013 will end ...

The Cost of Military Intervention in Syria

U.S. forces would use Tomahawk Cruise Missiles to attack Syria. On our brand-new Cost of National Security site, you can see the real-time cost of the Tomahawk Cruise Missile program. In 2013, the program is projected to cost U.S. taxpayers $320 million – or $36,563 every hour.

Recess is Over. Now, About That Budget and Debt Ceiling...

Congress returns to Washington next week, and they have a lot of work to get done. Use our fact sheets to brush up on the issues.

Back to School: The Debate Over Student Loans

The good news is that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle came together to pass an important piece of legislation that President Obama then signed it into law. The bad news? The legislation will increase the cost of higher education for future college students.

A Student Reflects on Government Aid

All summer I’ve been on the phone with Americans discussing the federal budget.

How Healthy Is Arizona?

This summer has been full of surprises.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare: What's Happening?

Everyone has a story about health care in the U.S. Make sure your health care priorities are voiced in upcoming debates about Obamacare, Medicaid, Medicare, and other federal health programs.

NPP's Numbers in the Wild: Cost of the Modern Soldier

Saul Page used NPP's numbers to create an infographic about the cost of the modern soldier. If you use our data in your work, let us know!

What's Happening with the Federal Budget and Debt Ceiling?!?

You've heard whispers. Perhaps here and there in the news there's been mention, yet again, of the potential for a government shutdown. So here's the update you need – in handy cheat-sheet format.