Pressroom Articles

NPP Pressroom

Terrorism & Security: 12/26/2006

- Christian Science Monitor

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Number Of Wealthy Army Recruits Dropping: 12/26/2006

- United Press International

Tomgram: Lewis Lapham, Sweet Celebrity: 12/11/2006

Lewis Lapham - TomDispatch

Let's consider for a moment the fates of two men who took unique paths in military life and whose careers were once intertwined: General David Petraeus, now our Afghan War commander, and his former subordinate General Stanley McChrystal, our former Afghan War commander before he became the first general since ...

Report: Tough Time Far From Over For States: 12/07/2006

Paul Davenport - Associated Press

The report did offer a glimmer of good news: State economies are improving, and so are tax revenues. And yet, modest gains in tax revenue will not be enough to help most states' budgets in the coming fiscal year. And that means more pain for those who depend on state ...

Obama Cuts Domestic Spending And Increases Military Corporate Welfar: 12/06/2006

Sean Hamilton - Censorship In America

President Obama's decision to increase military spending this year and in the future will result in the greatest administrative military spending since World War II. This decision is being made in spite of continued evidence of extreme waste, fraud, abuse, and corporate welfare in the military budget. At the same ...

Got Vote?: 12/04/2006

- The Nation

Tax Cut Lies: The Day The News Died: 12/04/2006

Tom Hartmann - Common Dreams

The New York Times today jumped on board with a classic Frank Luntz "Big Lie." Democrats in the House and Senate put forth a bill that would reduce taxes on the first quarter-million, and then, when that failed, the first million dollars of income for every single American. Somebody earning ...

All War All The Time: 11/20/2006

David Swanson - TomDispatch

These last years of blissful peace have left Republican Congressman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, soon to be the new chair of the House Armed Services Committee, in a true panic. How, he wonders, will a starved military ever get the necessary money for the weapons it needs to keep us ...

The Face Of War (Don't Look!): 10/30/2006

William Astore - TomDispatch

You'd think that people always seeking "lessons" from war would draw one from our latest wonder weapon, which fights our wars for us without an American in sight. I'm talking, of course, about the drone aircraft that have, in recent years, become a signature form of American war-making. They represent ...