Faces of the Federal Budget

The Faces of the Budget project tells the story of the federal budget through ordinary folks' personal experience.

I've always thought teachers were underpaid. … But I've seen a lot more, for sure, how much the teachers have to be spending for their classrooms [since my daughter became a teacher]. More

Debra from Winston-Salem, NC | Map

[As a teacher] you get the smiles and your kids come back when they’re adults and are like, “oh, I loved you.” But it’s like, “yeah but I’m living in a shack and I eat beans!” More

Stephanie from Winston-Salem, NC | Map

Pell Grants have always come as an anonymous donation to my success. More

Molly from Burlington, VT | Map

In my years at college, I’ll get something like $24,000 in Pell grant and work study money... Just looking at those figures made me more appreciative of what is enabled by the federal government. More

Molly from Burlington, VT | Map

I have a lot of friends who get Pell grants. More

Will from Tucson, AZ | Map

After my car accident in 1986, I was living in a homeless shelter. … I was very, very sick and I didn't have any income … Food Stamps were a lifesaver for me because it meant that I could eat… More

Heather from Florence, MA | Map

About Stories and Opinions

Stories and opinions presented in Faces of the Federal Budget are those of the individual who submitted them, and are not necessarily the opinions of National Priorities Project. NPP reviews story submissions for appropriateness prior to posting and does not modify content beyond review for spelling and typos.