Guest Blogger
Budget Process
by Elizabeth Casey-Rutland
Photo courtesy of Speaker John Boehner
Name: Congressman John Boehner
Leadership position: Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
Number of Years in Position: 5 years
Number of Terms/Years in Congress: Currently in his 13th term, he was first elected 25 years ago in 1990.
State/District, Party: Ohio, 8th District, Republican
Percent/Amount of State Revenue from the Federal Government (2013): Ohio received about 33% of its revenue through grants from the federal government, or $21.1 billion, compared to the national average of 30% of state revenue from federal sources.
Defense Contracts Awarded to State (2013): $4.38 Billion
Memorable Budget Quotes: “A bill that fails to include real spending cuts will hurt job growth and signal that Washington's not serious about dealing with its spending addiction.” (2011)
Approval Rating: 29% favorable, 58% unfavorable, February 2015
Total Amount Spent During Latest Election: $17.1 million
Top Donor/Top Industry: Murray Energy, Securities and Investment
Candidate’s Self-Financing: $0