Budget Matters Blog

The Pentagon Blew $1 Billion in Coronavirus Relief Funds on Military Equipment

The Pentagon misused much of $1 billion in congressionally appropriated COVID-19 relief funding, funneling it mostly to military contractors and using the money to make things like jet engine parts, body armor, and dress uniforms. What could that have paid for instead?

It’s Time to End the Nuclear Age

2020 has been hard enough. The last thing the world needs this year is nuclear weapons.

To Achieve Climate Justice, Demilitarize the Border

Immigrant justice is climate justice. Demilitarization is core to achieving both. 

The U.S. ‘War on Terror’ Has Displaced At Least 37 Million People

It’s a Pandemic. Military Spending Hikes Should Be Off the Table.

Ending the School to Prison Pipeline

Many school districts are deciding that police in classrooms cause more problems than they solve.

15 Years After Hurricane Katrina, It's Time to Demilitarize Disaster Relief

Fifteen years after Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast, it remains a cautionary tale for how distorted budget priorities can result in militaristic, rather than humanitarian, disaster response.

Small Towns Don't Need Military Helicopters

A little-known federal program dumps military equipment on local police forces. We need to end it.

Spending More on the Military Means Lining the Pockets of Top Defense Industry Executives

Under the Trump administration, the military-industrial revolving door has only spun faster, as more private sector executives make the jump to the public sector with little government or military experience. But the influence-peddling of the defense industry isn't new, and it's hardly partisan.

Military Recruiters Don’t Belong in High Schools