Budget Matters Blog

Entries By Lindsay Koshgarian

Spotlight: NPP's Data Transparency Voter's Guide

This week, following on the release of NPP’s new State Smart website that allows you to see how federal dollars flow to and from your state, we’re spotlighting our Data Transparency voter’s guide.

Spotlight: Education and Student Loans Voter’s Guide

This week, we’re spotlighting our education-themed voter’s guides with facts about Education, Student Loans and Student Debt.

Spotlight: NPP’s Health Care and Affordable Care Act Voter’s Guides

This week, we spotlight our Voter’s Guides on health care and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to give you the current state of federal health care policy and spending before the November 4 election.

State Smart: Federal Aid to Individuals in Your State

From California’s agricultural Central Valley to cities like Detroit and Washington, DC, to coal mining towns in Appalachia, federal aid to individuals touches communities in many ways. NPP previews a new State Smart dataset showing you how.

Congress Passes a Spending Bill: Top Three Takeaways

Congress has settled how the government will spend billions of dollars over the next couple of months. From Syria to our own homegrown border crisis, here’s what you need to know.

Spotlight: NPP's Military and War Spending Voter Guides

With a war budget that has topped $1.5 trillion since 2001 and ongoing cuts to domestic programs, military spending raises serious questiosn for voters in the upcoming November 4 election. 

Election 2014: A Voter's Guide to the Federal Budget

It’s election season, when the political ads and campaign claims will fly. National Priorities Project’s 2014 Voter’s Guides will help you pierce through campaign rhetoric and get to the bottom of how candidates approach critical federal budget issues.

$1.5 Trillion and Counting: What New Involvement in Iraq Means for Federal Spending

As President Obama allowed a trickle of troops back into Iraq, and air strikes are expected to continue for weeks or months, Americans are wary about our role in a conflict most of us think we never should have started in the first place. Polls show that while Americans are divided on new airstrikes in Iraq, most are against sending troops back.

Pick Your Better Border Budget Battle: Can we reach a deal on the border crisis?

Competing funding proposals to deal with the border crisis express vastly different priorities about border security, refugee assistance, and legal representation, echoing the deep divisions about immigration reform overall.

Penny on the Dollar: US Foreign Aid is about One Percent of Spending

One of the most enduring myths about the federal budget is that a significant portion of it goes overseas in the form of foreign aid.  In fact, foreign aid is about one percent of the federal budget.