Budget Matters Blog

Entries By Doug Hall

The President's AUMF and the Cost of War

We react to President Obama's proposal to Congress seeking authorization for the use of military force against ISIS.

Thank-You, Becky!

It is a bittersweet day for us here at National Priorities Project. While we are in festive holiday mood, and have lots of organizational accomplishments to be proud of from 2014 (did we mention we were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!?!), we are also saddened that today is the...

Executive Action on Immigration: A Win for the Federal Budget and the Economy

Immigration reform is a positive for the United States in many ways, and not least is the positive impact such reform would have on the federal budget.

State Smart: Federal Jobs in Your State

Our last State Smart preview digs into federal jobs and compensation in the states and what they mean for a pathway to the middle class.

Participatory Budgeting Can Transform our Democracy

Last week I had the good fortune to join an amazing group of people doing exciting and transformative work in the growing field of participatory budgeting (“PB”), at the third annual PB Conference, held this year in Oakland (and nearby Vallejo), California. [I was invited to speak on two panels--one...

Military Action Against ISIS? #NotSoFast #AmericaMustKnow #WhenWillitEnd?

In the wake of President Obama’s speech to the nation last Wednesday, and with a bill in Congress today authorizing further military action against ISIS, we are left with several troubling questions.  At the top of the list are such critical, unanswered, questions as: Is military action, and the use...

Raising the Federal Minimum Wage is Good for Working Families, the Economy, and the Federal Budget

The federal minimum wage is normally seen as a labor standard that imposes costs on businesses, and, by lifting up the wage floor, benefits low wage workers.  This is an accurate, but incomplete view, however, as it doesn’t show the impact on the federal budget that results from businesses failing...

What Do the Recent Supreme Court Cases (“Hobby Lobby” and “Harris v Quinn”) Have to Do with the Federal Budget?

Doug Hall explains the budgetary implications of the controversial Hobby Lobby and Harris v Quinn Supreme Court rulings.

Welcome, Lindsay Koshgarian

NPP welcomes new research director Lindsay Koshgarian.

Iraq, Unemployment Benefits, Student Loans, and More: It all comes back to the federal budget

A note from NPP's new executive director Doug Hall.