Budget Matters Blog

Category: Military & Security

It’s Time to Demilitarize Our Budget to Fight Climate Change

While the Trump administration fixates on a militarized non-solution to the non-crisis at the border, the real crisis is staring us in the face: accelerating climate change. And demilitarizing the U.S. budget is part of any real climate solution.

Border Solution Must Not Include a Wall

It’s time to end this shutdown once and for all, and it’s time to end the fiction that Americans want or need a wall at our border.

Is the End of the Shutdown Near?

It’s day 33 of the shutdown. An announcement Wednesday by House Democrats offered yet another possible solution to the ongoing government shutdown battle over the president’s demand for $5 billion for a border wall. 

Longest Shutdown Ever

Congress has the power to make things right, but it would take a bipartisan stand against the president. 

Shutdown Day 19, and the Real Crisis

What would it look like if a president proposed spending just $5.7 billion out of the whole $1 trillion budget to solve a few real crises: health insurance, climate change, retirement savings, and student debt?

Shutdown Day 14

If anyone wins, let’s hope it’s the majority of Americans who want nothing to do with border walls or shutdowns.

Government Shutdown 2018

As of midnight on Friday, major parts of the U.S. government are closed.

Government Shutdown Looms Over Trump’s Border Wall Funding

Congress gave themselves a deadline of Friday, December 21 to pass legislation funding roughly one quarter of the federal government for the rest of the 2019 fiscal year.

Trump Wants a Crazy $750 Billion for Military

The president would like to increase military spending from its current $716 billion to a cool $750 billion.

Nine Things to Buy with $5 Billion Instead of a Border Wall

President Trump has said that he will veto any bill that doesn’t give him the $5 billion he has demanded for his border wall.