Budget Matters Blog

Category: Taxes & Revenue

Tax Cuts of the Rich and Famous

If the Trump tax plan were an object, you can bet it would be gold-plated

Want More Jobs? Corporate Tax Cuts Won't Help

Corporations exist for only one reason: to maximize profits, not employment.

Tax Day 2017: Taxes and All the Feels

Taxes are like membership dues.  We pay them to fund our priorities – the services and programs we care about – and they are also an investment in our country’s future.

Meet Your Member of Congress this April

Congress is in "recess" from April 7 to April 21, 2017. That means that members of Congress are home in their states or districts -- and they're ready to meet with you.

Top 6 Federal Budget Moments of 2016

How 2016 changed peace and military spending, climate change, economic inequality and corporate greed.

Open Community Forum this Friday

Please mark your calendars and join us for an engaging discussion on the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

Happy birthday, Estate Tax! Where would we be without you?

America was always supposed to be the country of presidents, not kings, where leaders are made, not born.

Apple’s Corporate Welfare vs. Educating a Generation. Yep, that’s a choice.

If the US worked harder to close corporate tax loopholes, we could use the resulting revenues to send every current American college student to school -- for free.

3 Reasons To Run the Other Way from the Ryan Tax Plan

The Ryan tax plan would benefit the top 1% and severely hurt the poor. Here's what else it would do.

Happy Earth Day, Earth: Sorry We Were Too Cheap to Get You Anything

On this Earth Day in 2016, we’re collectively still shrugging our shoulders at this threat that most of us recognize.